Carpet cleaning in NCR is a process that is professionally categorized under deep cleaning services. The reason why it is put under such a categorization is that carpet cleaning is a labor and effort-intensive task and should be done with the utmost care and that too with the right tools.
Carpet, unlike other clothed covering rooms, is more prone to collect dust, dirt and has the potential to have you sick. However constant rough cleaning and maintenance can spoil it pretty fast too.
Quite a lot of diseases have roots involving improper sanitization and maintenance. Dust and dirt collected on these clothing should not be taken lightly. It is a matter requiring serious care.
Often you might be worried about how the young, as well as aged members of your home, fall sick. You might also have cases where a dedicated worker of yours is unable to attend work regularly as he falls sick often. Well, one simple yet grave reason maybe your carpet! , surprised?.
Let me get you to the point. Dust is a serious business. The amount of dirt that gets accumulated on a monthly basis on your carpet may leave you speechless. Often these dust particles will have pollen and other microscopic particles. Such particles can instantly trigger the sensitive respiratory organs and before you know it you are sick !.
So the most basic approach you should take to prevent anything bad from happening to you or the ones you care about is to hire a professional cleaning company to take care of it.
Let’s see how you would usually clean your carpets and how a professional cleaning and sanitizing company would treat it.
Professional carpet cleaning methods
1. Hot water extraction method
Even though you might confuse yourself with steam cleaning, the hot water extraction method is different. This method involves using alkaline agents, agitating it, and then rinsing it. Care is taken to ensure that the pH of the fabric is maintained.
2.Dry cleaning methods
This method is comparatively better than wet treatment and it uses low moisture content cleaning products to clean the carpet. The drying time is significantly reduced by using this method.
Uses industrial standard cleaning liquids to thoroughly clean your carpets and is an intensive cleaning process. Care must be taken to ensure that properly graded cleaning liquids are used. Then the carpet fibers are not damaged.
4.Vacuum wash
It can be called the most common method adopted. Here shampoo is not used. A dedicated machine sprays water over the carpet. A swirling effect is used to clean the carpet. The water sprayed is immediately vacuumed ensuring minimal drying time.
Now, you have come across some professional methods adopted by cleaning companies. So why don’t you check out the exceptional carpet cleaning service in NCR provided by densat. Using the latest of tools and the best of cleaning products you can ensure that no dirt or dust is left on your carpet and that the fibers are fresh as new thanks to the experienced crew Densat has.